Here are some frequently asked questions that may help you get started. Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions you may have. We are more than happy to assist.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I be employed by the business I am placed in with my job coach?
We use our Inclusive Open Door Environments as training environments to teach our clients the necessary skills to become employable and learn assimilation in the workplace setting. Our program is set up for the client to gain experience, exposure (socially and vocationally) to the workplace and as a training period to set the client up for independent success, before entering the world of work.
How many hours of 1on1 Training will I receive in the Inclusive Open Door Environment?
We require a 2 hour a week minimum for clients that are enrolling in business based, 1on1 Job Coaching. This may be increased, but cannot fall under that required minimum.
How will the client’s training environment be chosen?
Our clients’ training environments are based on certain criteria that will be determined in the intake for that particular client. We see the client benefit the most from placing them in a role that has an associative link to their interests, prior schooling, fixations that can be broadened and not undervaluing them with tasks that are below their personal and professional capabilities.
Will my scheduled work sessions be the same day and time each week?
Yes. We like to keep scheduling and structure consistent for our clients, so your work session will be at the same day and timeslot each week.
What will the job coach be helping the client learn?
Targets will be based on the initial intake and the specific client’s strengths and deficits. General targets include but are not limited to: Critical Thinking Skills, Soliciting Help from others, Task Focus, Self- Advocacy, Verbal Communication, Reciprocal Language, Multi-Step Receptive Instructions, Expressive Language, Transitioning between tasks, Time Management, Problem Solving and Social Navigation.
I am interested in the Social Group. What can I expect?
Our Social Group placements are based on age, language capability, and parallels in interest with the established group members. It is our goal to have our clients receive beneficial modeling from whatever group they are placed in. Our groups focus on maintaining and sustaining relationships with peers, proper communication etiquette, reciprocal language practice, and “The Science of Making and Keeping Friends”. Our groups also include community outings for clients to generalize skills in a natural setting.
How will I receive and pay my Open Door bill each month?
Open Door bills for the upcoming month of services. You will receive your bill via email by the 5th day of each month, in the email address provided during your intake/interview. Your bill can be taken care of on our website at the payment portal or a check can be mailed to our office. All invoices are due by the 15th of each month.
How long will I be enrolled in services with Open Door?
Our clients sign up for a 90 Day time period of services, via our contract. This gives us enough time to track client progress, in whichever service they are in. You may renew services at the end of 90 days or (15 sessions).
Does Open Door take insurance as payment for services?
We are currently private pay only for services.
What is the cost for services?
Since our services differ in scope and frequency, the cost of services will differ for each client. All service options and service fees will be discussed in detail at your interview/intake appointment. The initial interview/intake appointment is mandatory for all clients seeking services with Open Door. We want to make sure we are the right fit for your needs, and you are the right fit for our services.