THERE’S GETTING employed, and then there’s being EMPLOYABLE.
At Open Door, our philosophy is to not accept being undervalued, based on an ASD diagnosis. Work in tandem with us to create sustainable value for yourself and become more employable. Form your personal pathway and goals. Build your confidence. Learn to navigate new skills and new scenarios
We use a one-on-one ratio training method in conjunction with live work environments to acutely train our clients on workplace assimilation, workplace socialization and proactive, sustainable strategies for navigating both.
The Path to vocational and social Independence
The “general” targets (because everyone is different) for each client are increased independence, improved functioning skills, relevant and transferable experience, and elevated self-confidence. We understand that each of our clients is unique and tailor their progress plan and work environment to match their ability. We want our clients to gain the most beneficial exposure. Our clients contribute to businesses and companies, while simultaneously learning social/work skills and gaining resume material in a beneficial, positive, and neurotypical modeling environment that is associative to their interests.
Open Door implements teachable moments, customized targets, live environment modeling, and acute workplace assimilation training.
Providing an orderly environment to minimize distractions to stay on task
Increasing and promoting explicit learning
Decreasing irrelevant information to focus attention
Utilize the strengths of our clients to provide positive collaboration with teaching environment
Guiding and facilitating naturalistic learning, social exposure and self gratification
Incorporating special interests
Training clients in aspect of partnered business’s operations
Exposing clients to working and socializing in neurotypical environments
Exposing clients to relations with authority figures
Exposing clients to respecting property, rules, and regulations
Time Management Skills
Teaching clients to adjust to changes in routine
Guiding transitions between different tasks
Soliciting Help
Critical Thinking Skills